Technologies for wellbeing

Shavasan Dhyan

Thought free state through effortless ease

Classical yog sadhana

yoga for body and mind

atambodh sadhana

bringing clarity in thoughts for spiritual insight

Shanti Mandir

Under the guidance of Dr. Samprasad Vinod, Shanti-Mandir spreads the knowledge of classical Yoga. The primary motivation behind the activities of Shanti-Mandir is to bring inner transformation to the people so that the true happiness and peace become part of their lives.

Yoga sadhana shared at Shanti-Mandir is based on the classical texts and ancient wisdom. The emphasis is to trickle the meditation and Yoga practice in the daily lives and eventually lead the sadhu to discover his/her true nature.

Thousands of people have experienced the effects of the Yoga Sadhana in their daily lives and keep reporting on their improved relationships, work life balance and health.

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‘Shanti-Mandir’, 2100 Sadashiv Peth, Pune Maharashtra 411030 India

Features & Benefits

‘Shanti-Mandir’, 2100 Sadashiv Peth, Pune Maharashtra 411030 India

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